Asam Masin Garam Kicap Manis: Resepi Kengsom @ Asam Pedas Thai tanpa melengahkan masa jom kita tengok bahan2 dan cara masak hehehe ;) dah macam segmen kat tv dah ni hahahaha Bahan-bahan: 1. seekor ikan LifE Is BeaUtiFuL : Stres Yang Tak Berkesudahan Since dah asik sibuk + stres ni kan mulalah naik jerawat sana sini. Baru je nak hilang satu naik lagi sebijik. Memang tak berkesudahan Menambahkan myMYRAYANA: June 2011 - blogspot No-one in your family has the right to touch you in ways that make you feel uncomfortable. No-one has the right to trick you confuse you or force you

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