Buenos Aires Tetra (Hyphessobrycon anisitsi) Profile Buenos Aires Tetra Diet Omnivorous in its habitat it feeds on worms insects crustaceans and plants. It will accept almost any prepared food frozen foods and live. Buenos Aires Tetra FISH STATS - Aquarium Fish Tropical The Buenos Aires tetra is now provided to the hobby almost exclusively from fish farms in Florida which means it usually has been raised in alkaline hard water. Buenos Aires Tetra Hyphessobrycon anisitsi colorful Pictures of your fish Buenos Aires Tetra Hyphessobrycon anisitsi Buenos Aires Tetra (Hemigrammus caudovittatus) Tropical The Buenos Aires Tetra (Hemigrammus caudovittatus) is an active slender silver bodied tetra that makes a great addition to any soft water South American community tank. Buenos Aires Tetra Live Fish PetSmart Buenos Aires Tetra Have you always wanted a live fish of your very own? Make your dream come true and get great deals on a Buenos Aires Tetra. Buenos Aires Tetra Tropical Fish Keeping The Buenos Aires Tetra (Hemigrammus caudovittatus) is an active slender silver bodied tetra that makes a great addition to any soft water South American community tank. Buenos Aires tetra Hyphessobrycon anisitsi  Fish The Buenos Aires tetra is one of the hardiest and easy to keep tetras in the hobby. Although they are generally peaceful they will nip the fins of fish like guppies Buenos Aires Tetra - Talkfishy The Aquarium Enthusiast Buenos Aires Tetra. One of the most popular choices among beginning aquarium hobbyists the Buenos Aires Tetra is native to South America. These fish can be found Fish profile - Buenos Aires Tetra - Think Fish Tropical Buenos Aires Tetra Behaviour Peaceful but may nip long finned fish Typical size 5cm Max size 6cm Tank Area Middle Min Tank Size 75cm Min Number 5 Buenos Aires Tetra « Hurstville Aquarium Buenos Aires Tetras are somewhat more aggressive than some of the smaller Tetra species but are still generally quite peaceful towards all but the smallest tank mates.

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